Design Sprint 2.0 Cheat Sheet

Recently I was asked to facilitate a Design Sprint for a mobile banking app. It's been a few years since I read the Design Sprint book and I had gotten a bit rusty. Also found out that a new version 2.0 had been released that shortens the time from 5 days to 4.

For those that don't know - a Design Sprint is a fast process to create testable prototypes, it's fast, fun and involves a lot of cool ideas and sketching. After the sprint we had a really cool concept in place that I look forward to seeing in action.

I created this cheat sheet to help me keep track of the next steps. It's largely built on the workshop schedule from AJ&Smart. It's a great overview and was also helpful during the sprint.

I also recommend watching the videos from AJ&Smart. They are short and concise. Found them really helpful and fun to watch.

Design Sprint 2.0 Cheat Sheet


9:00 - 10 min : Intro

9:10 - 30 min : Expert interview and How Might We
Tools : Post it and Sharpies
Action : Experts talk about the problem while others write How Might We Questions

9:40 - 15 min : Organize HMW
Action: Group HMW notes in categories that are created on the fly

9:55 - 15 min : Vote on HMW
Tools : Red sticky notes, 2 per Expert, 4 for Decider
Action: Create voting tree

10:10 - 15 min : Break

10:25 - 15 min : Long Term Goals
Actions :
a) Spend 5 minute to create one goal,
b) Explain the goal
c) Vote with 1 dot
d) Decider selects goal

10:40 - 30 min : List Sprint Questions
Tools: Post it, sharpies, 3 voting dots
Think about biggest challenges to achieve the goal
Turn them into 2-3 "Can we " questions
Vote on questions to get top 3
Decider chooses the ultimate sprint question

11:10 - 45 min : Map
Tools: Whiteboard and markers
Action: Draw map using categories i.e. Discovery, Learning, Using, Goal. Place top HMW on map

11:55 - 60 min : Lunch

12:55 - 60 min : Lightning demo
Tools: Post it's, sharpies
Action 25 minutes of individual research, write down big idea with 3 examples for inspiration Present ideas - take notes or sketch about key points

13:55 - 15 min : Break

14:10 - 90 min : Sketch
20 min walk around and take notes about everything
20 min draw rough sketches from their notes
8 min draw crazy 8 versions
40 min sketch the concept

15:40 - End of day


09:00 - 10 min : Introduction

09:10 - 5 min : Reveal the sketches from the day before

09:15 - 20 min : Heat Map Vote
Tools : red dots - 1 sheet per person
Action: add a red dot to anything interesting, add questions

09:35 - 60 min : Speed Critique
Action: Facilitator summarizes each concept, answers the questions added before, while someone takes notes

10:35 - 15 min : Break

10:50 - 30 min : Straw poll vote
Tools : 1 green dot with initials, post it
Actions :
5 min : make up their mind
5 min Add their dot,
5 min : write down why on post it
1 min each : present why

11:20 - 10 min : Supervote by decider with two starred dots

11:30 - 60 min : Lunch break

12:30 - 30 min : User Test Flow
Tools : Post it note, sharpie, voting dot (1 p.person , 2 for decider)
Action: write up a 6 step process with action steps. Each step is a post it

13:00 - 120 min : Storyboarding

~15:00 - End of day


Prototyping day

09.00 - 17:00 : Designer, prototyper and product manager create the prototypes that will be tested on Thursday


Testing day

09.00 - 09:45 : Subject 1
10.00 - 10:45 : Subject 2
11:00 - 11:45 : Subject 3
12:00 - 13: 00 : Lunch
13:00 - 13.45 : Subject 4
14:00 - 14.45 : Subject 5
15.00 - 15.30 : Review

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